Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Rally Against Five Years of War in Iraq

Rally to End the War,
Bring the Troops Home!

This Wednesday, March 19th at 6pm
Westlake Plaza
4th Ave & Pine St. in Downtown Seattle

Please join the March 19th coalition of organizations in protesting the 5th Anniversary of the Iraq war this Wednesday evening.

The U.S. government has been at war in Iraq since 2003. In these five years our government has spent over $400 billion on the Iraq war. Tax dollars that normally would have gone to healthcare, education and affordable housing instead are being diverted to pay for this war. In Washington State over $10 billion have been diverted to the war.

In Seattle alone almost one billion dollars has been diverted.
That means that Washington residents are losing out on affordable and quality healthcare, education, housing and living wage jobs.

5 Years is Enough!

End the War Now!

Bring the Troops Home Today!

Money for Jobs and Education, not War!

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