Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Fort Lewis G.I. Rights Rally

Tacoma Socialist Alternative endorses the following event:

Soldier, You’re Not Alone

GI Rights Rally
Saturday, March 22nd
Noon-4 PM

Harry Todd Park
8720 N. Thorne Lane SW, Lakewood
Directions: Take I-5 Exit 123
Go East on N. Thorne Ln. to park

Family fun—kids’ concert, crafts,
face-painting, puppet show
GI Resource Tables
Personal Testimonies
Music & Speakers
March & Vigil

Speakers include:
Chanan Suarez Diaz, IVAW
Seth Manzel, GI Voice
Maggie Pondolfino, MFSO
Steve Kofahl, AFGE for more info

Event sponsors: Iraq Veterans Against the War—Seattle chapter, GI Voice, Veterans For Peace—Tacoma chapter, Oregon Military Families Speak Out, Olympia Movement for Justice & Peace, Peace Action Coalition Tacoma, Tacoma Fellowship of Reconciliations, Tacoma Students for a Democratic Society, United For Peace of Pierce County

: Industrial Workers of the World, International Socialist Organization, Socialist Alternative, Socialist Freedom Party, Pax Christi, Movement Against War & Occupation (Vancouver, B.C.)

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