Sunday, March 30, 2008

This Monday at the Mandolin Cafe

Come to Socialist Alternative Meeting at 6.30pm,
Mandolin Cafe, Tacoma
3923 S 12th St.
(Socialist Alternative meeting is held at table at back of the cafe.)

Guest Speaker on the struggle for socialism in Bolivia

In the worldwide struggle against poverty and oppression, Latin America is clearly at the forefront. From Venezuela to Chile, the people of the region have shown enormous courage and sacrifice to fight to challenge imperialism and the corporations that dominate their lives. Bolivia is no exception. With mass strikes, protests, and the election of a left-wing president, Evo Morales, the country has become an inspiration to others. Today the revolution is at a crossroads, with workers and peasants searching for a way to take the struggle forward and defend themselves against growing the counter-revolution. Come hear an eyewitness account of the struggles on the ground in Bolivia and the prospects of a revolutionary movement with significant international implications.

About the speaker:

Recognizing the international significance of the rising tide of struggles of poor and indigenous people sweeping Latin America, Adam gave up the comforts of life in the U.S., left his family and friends, and moved to Cochabamba, Bolivia where the struggle is most advanced. As the impoverished Bolivian people know only too well, building mass movements against the poverty and oppression caused by capitalism and Western imperialism is a daunting task, but one that Adam has nonetheless dedicated his life to. Not even deportation and physical threats from reactionaries and semi-fascist groups have deterred Adam from supporting the struggle of Bolivia's poor and working class.

American Blackout
: as a reminder: We are showing: American Blackout this Saturday in building #15 at TCC at 12pm. It describes how the Democratic Party leadership undemocratically kicked out Cynthia McKinney from her congressional seat due to her opposition to the Iraq war and calls for further investigation into 9-11.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

National Speaking Tour: Revolucion en Latin America

2 Dates in Seattle!

National Speaking Tour:
Revolución en Latinoamérica
Eyewitness to the struggle


Adam Ziemkowski

· Member of the Committee for a Workers' International, Bolivia

· Editor and contributor to La Chispa newspaper (Bolivia)

Thursday, March 27th
7 PM
"Meeting Room"
White Center Library
11220 16th S.W., Seattle, 98146

Wednesday, April 2

7 PM

Seattle University

Bannan Building, Room 402

12th Ave. and E. Columbia St.

In the worldwide struggle against poverty and oppression, Latin America is clearly at the forefront. From Venezuela to Chile, the people of the region have shown enormous courage and sacrifice to fight to challenge imperialism and the corporations that dominate their lives.

Bolivia is no exception. With mass strikes, protests, and the election of a left-wing president, Evo Morales, the country has become an inspiration to others. Today the revolution is at a crossroads, with workers and peasants searching for a way to take the struggle forward and defend themselves against growing the counter-revolution. Come hear an eyewitness account of the struggles on the ground in Bolivia and the prospects of a revolutionary movement with significant international implications.

Recognizing the international significance of the rising tide of struggles of poor and indigenous people sweeping Latin America, Adam gave up the comforts of life in the U.S., left his family and friends, and moved to Cochabamba, Bolivia where the struggle is most advanced. As the impoverished Bolivian people know only too well, building mass movements against the poverty and oppression caused by capitalism and Western imperialism is a daunting task, but one that Adam has nonetheless dedicated his life to. Not even deportation and physical threats from reactionaries and semi-fascist groups have deterred Adam from supporting the struggle of Bolivia's poor and working class.

**items directly from the Bolivian struggle will be available for a donation. Donations will go to help the work of the Committee for a Workers' International**

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Fort Lewis G.I. Rights Rally

Tacoma Socialist Alternative endorses the following event:

Soldier, You’re Not Alone

GI Rights Rally
Saturday, March 22nd
Noon-4 PM

Harry Todd Park
8720 N. Thorne Lane SW, Lakewood
Directions: Take I-5 Exit 123
Go East on N. Thorne Ln. to park

Family fun—kids’ concert, crafts,
face-painting, puppet show
GI Resource Tables
Personal Testimonies
Music & Speakers
March & Vigil

Speakers include:
Chanan Suarez Diaz, IVAW
Seth Manzel, GI Voice
Maggie Pondolfino, MFSO
Steve Kofahl, AFGE for more info

Event sponsors: Iraq Veterans Against the War—Seattle chapter, GI Voice, Veterans For Peace—Tacoma chapter, Oregon Military Families Speak Out, Olympia Movement for Justice & Peace, Peace Action Coalition Tacoma, Tacoma Fellowship of Reconciliations, Tacoma Students for a Democratic Society, United For Peace of Pierce County

: Industrial Workers of the World, International Socialist Organization, Socialist Alternative, Socialist Freedom Party, Pax Christi, Movement Against War & Occupation (Vancouver, B.C.)

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Rally Against Five Years of War in Iraq

Rally to End the War,
Bring the Troops Home!

This Wednesday, March 19th at 6pm
Westlake Plaza
4th Ave & Pine St. in Downtown Seattle

Please join the March 19th coalition of organizations in protesting the 5th Anniversary of the Iraq war this Wednesday evening.

The U.S. government has been at war in Iraq since 2003. In these five years our government has spent over $400 billion on the Iraq war. Tax dollars that normally would have gone to healthcare, education and affordable housing instead are being diverted to pay for this war. In Washington State over $10 billion have been diverted to the war.

In Seattle alone almost one billion dollars has been diverted.
That means that Washington residents are losing out on affordable and quality healthcare, education, housing and living wage jobs.

5 Years is Enough!

End the War Now!

Bring the Troops Home Today!

Money for Jobs and Education, not War!

Monday, March 17, 2008

What We Stand For

No cuts in public services; full funding for all community needs.

A massive public spending increase for health, housing, education, transportation, childcare, leisure, and community facilities, paid for by taxes on the rich.

Cancel the national debt with no payment to the big investors. Use the money to rebuild the inner cities and the infrastructure under union conditions and wages.

Free, high quality public education for all, from pre-school through college.

Free, socialized medicine under democratic control.

End pollution and environmental destruction with massive investment to clean up the environment.

End discrimination and prejudice on the grounds of race, sex, ethnic background, sexuality, and disability. Equal pay for equal work.

Defend abortion rights; for a woman's right to free abortion on demand.

Defend immigrant rights; papers for all.

End police brutality and harassment through labor-community committees to control all aspects of public safety.

Mass pickets and militant action to stop union busting, plant closures, and layoffs.

A minimum wage of $12.50/hour or $500 per week minimum guaranteed income.

No workfare or prison labor; guaranteed training and jobs for all.

A 30-hour workweek without loss of pay.

Major investment in a cheap, accessible, integrated, safe, publicly-owned transportation system that meets the needs of people and the environment.

Scrap anti-union laws. For democratic trade unions controlled by their members. Full-time union officials should be elected, and receive the wage of an average worker.

Unions to break with the parties of the bosses and campaign to build a mass workers' party

Solidarity with the struggles of workers in other countries; an injury to one is an injury to all.

Take into public ownership, under democratic working class control and management, the top 500 corporations, banks, and insurance and finance houses that dominate the economy. Compensation to be paid o the basis of proven need.

An end to the rule of profit; for a socialist society to meet the needs of all.