Sunday, May 11, 2008

Ralph Nader in Tacoma

Tacoma SA Proudly Presents the Following Event:
Ralph Nader speaks in Tacoma!
Wednesday, May 14th
1:30 PM
Tacoma Community College

6501 S. 19th Street
Tacoma 98466
$10 contribution/ $5 student/low-income (No one turned away)

Why support Nader?
A recent poll showed 81% of Americans think the country is headed on the wrong track. Obama has inspired millions of people by speaking out against the war and claiming to refuse money from corporate lobbyists. It's clear ,the overwhelming majority of Americans are yearning for a change from eight years of Bush's corporate war-mongering. But the question is: Can the Democrats deliver the change they are promising?

Beneath Obama's and Clinton's rhetoric, their actual records reveal that they have repeatedly voted to keep the troops in Iraq, and they have received millions upon millions of dollars from big corporations. Come hear Ralph Nader speak and read these articles about why you should support the strongest independent, pro-worker campaign and help us build a movement to end corporate control of our society!

Excellent Articles:
1. By Matt Gonzalez: 'The Obama Craze: Count Me Out' on Counterpunch

2. 'Does Obama Deserve Your Support? Ten Things You Should Know'

3. 'The Obama Mirage: Behind the Rhetoric of Hope and Change'

4. 'Break with the Two Parties of Big Business! Build Nader's Antiwar, Anti-Corporate Campaign'

5. 'Is a Nader vote a wasted vote? The Case against Lesser-Evilism'

We need your help, especially to spread the word:
1. Pass the news on to friends, family, co-workers, classmates right now! Post this announcement on other websites!

2. Lead a team of volunteers to go postering or pass out leaflets together. Pick a time and place you want to meet, bring tape and/or staple hammers, and call Ramy at (206) 293-8389 to get volunteers to go postering together.

3. Let the media know Nader is coming to town and urge them to cover Nader's speech and to interview Nader while he is in town. The media can contact Nader's media team through

4. Volunteer to collect signatures to get Nader on the WA State ballot. Contact Mike Gillis at 206-755-4262 or

5. Help us find a volunteer who could provide American Sign Language interpretation for Nader's speech for at least 1 person who requested this. Email if you find a volunteer.

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