Sunday, April 20, 2008

This Monday at the Mandolin (04.21)

Come to Socialist Alternative Meeting on MONDAY at 6.30pm,
Mandolin Cafe, Tacoma
3923 S 12th St.

(Socialist Alternative meeting is held at table at back of the Cafe)

With the Olympics coming up this summer in China, and growing protests about China's clampdown in Tibet disrupting the carrying of the Olympic torch, this is a great opportunity to review how socialists analyze China:

Is China Communist?

Is it capitalist?
Will China supplant the US as the world's most powerful nation?

These are some of the questions we will discuss in our lead-off discussion.

We will also get updates on the important ILWU May Day protest against the war.

We will also review the last week's activities, and upcoming events and discuss any other items of interest.

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